Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Job Hunting

I am unemployable. Simply put, I apparently do not play well with others, so my days working seem to be numbered. Oh, I have tried getting a job, but I never get by the interview. I send out applications every day, contact people whom I have applied to, but no one wants to talk to me.

Ironic. I am the guy that everyone talked to before I retired. If they wanted something done, I was usually the one they asked. If someone had a question or concern, either I or Stan Daro were the ones to give those concerns voice. Now, according to some psychological tests I have taken for jobs, I do not play well with others. Go figure.

The tests also told me that I seem to have a big ego, am out for myself, fly by the seat of my pants and don't take to criticism well. Those are all qualities I did not know.

After perusing my resume, I asked myself what I was doing wrong on it. Aren't you supposed to put things on there that you did? If I leave out important things like teaching and coaching and being a radio DJ, what is left? I took off my years of service, that way no one can possibly exclude me because of my age. I buffed up my title of Student Services Coordinator to "Administrative Assistant". I removed DJ and replaced it with "On-Air Host" I took off the dates of my jobs, and my graduation from college. I perked up my degree in Theatre to "Communications".

Resume experts say that job seekers should write their cover letter to a specific person. But ads do not put who to reply to, they just have a little box that says "Apply Here." So who do I address my letter to? If I put "Dear Sirs" or "Dear Madams" or "Dear Sirs and Madams" I risk being labeled as not Politcally Correct. If I write, "To Whom It May Concern," my letter is too vague. What am I too do?
So, I guess I will have to just stay retired, work alone, and be my own boss. At least then I won't have to listen to or work with others, and the end result will be all about me.
Or I could write a best seller.... (look for gratuitous plug for novel here). [subliminal message on buying "Growing Up Doughnut" imbedded in message]
ps...If anyone knows of a radio station out in AZ that is looking for a good part timer, let me know.

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