Wednesday, April 14, 2010

School leader Searches Lunches

This a warning to readers.... the Fat Guy Is About to Go Ballistic! I can't believe the article I just read about a school in Tucson...I am incensed!

At a private school in Tucson (ok, its private, they can do what they want) the leader of the school has BANNED all white bread, any food made with processed flour, anything with sugar. Only all natural certified foods are allowed. One student had their lunch CONFISCATED because it had a flour tortilla in it.

The leader of this school and founder of this school, Nancy Aiken, apparently sees herself as the food nazi and has banned anything that is processed. Since her school has no cafeteria, all foods must be brought from home, and teachers search each lunch sacks everyday for contraband. Aiken who says she has a PhD in cellular biology, claims to have the answer to childhood obesity. If all families followed her rules,she says, obesity would not be a problem. Did this lady fail at her career as a researcher and decide to open up a school? I mean, she does get state money besides the tuition that is paid.

Can you imagine one day taking the lunch that mom has packed for you and having your teacher take it away because you have "natural" orange juice and not 100 percent fruit juice? Or how about that peanut butter sandwich with jelly? It gets confiscated because you have it on white bread and not 32 grain whole wheat. You get a peanut butter sandwich on the 32 grain bread and some honey! No oreos, no doughnuts, no ham sandwiches (ham after all is processed).

Although I doubt that this will ever become a way of life for schools, it could if budget cuts close cafeterias and kids have to start bringing their lunches.

One question... do the teachers get to eat the lunches they confiscate or do they throw them away? Maybe they could be shipped somewhere to people who are hungry and really do not care if they are getting to much white flour or processed sugar.

I think I will send the school a couple dozen doughnuts.... whole wheat of course.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Shields....I think we were seperated at birth! I wholeheartedly (whole wheatedly too) agree with you. I'm not a label reader though I am trying to get better at it but gosh darnit, why does this woman think she can control what a parent puts in their child's lunchbox. Was there vodka in there? moldy bread? How about this--sometimes, it's pretty darn costly to buy fresh fruits and veggies and all of the "good" food!
