Friday, July 17, 2009

Independence Weekend

What a week! Have you ever had one of those weeks where your backside catches up to your frontside, and you feel totally drained because you can't seem to ever get ahead? This was one of those weeks.

This past week I have been cleaning, painting, and repairing my daughter's new house. Now "new" is a relative term. It is new to her, but it is about 10 years older than she is. So, this lovley piece of ranch-style architecture was in need of some sprucing up. My wife, her sister, my friend Stan, and I worked to get this house in order. Notice that my daughter's name did not necessarily appear here. That is ok, though. She has supplied funds, food, and encouragement. She has been working her tail off at her job so she can pay for this "fun" we have been having. Truth be told, I really enjoyed myself and no matter how tired I got, I think she bought the house so, (1) She could get out of mine and have a life. (2) I would have something to do that would get me off the couch and away from Facebook for a while. The whole experience would have been less painful if I had just not had knee surgery, was prone to wear out easily. But, a good time was had by all and discovered that I still had some home repairs that I thought I had lost.

I am baffled, however, by mitreing. I was never any good at geometry, thanks to the pretty blond that sat next to me in that class in high school. So the idea of splitting a 90 degree angle into two parts and then have it join together again to look seamless using two pieces of wood taxes my 8th grade shop skills. Now, if all I had to do was make ashtrays out of plastic, no problem. The best thing that happened was when I dicovered that you can get mitred corners at Lowe's that look like fancy trim. WOO HOO.... my life is suddenly simpler. And this stuff called caulk, priceless.

So, Saturday is independence day for my kids, and my wife and I. With the help of our good friend Steve and his company truck, we will be childless by Sunday evening.

Then I can start work on my own house...I thought I retired?


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