Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weird news

I always enjoy reading the newspaper in the morning. I don't usually read the big stories; I got those the night before on TV newscasts. That is the trouble with newspapers, they don't keep up with the ever changing world, they are constantly working from a make-up attitude. Besides, if I did not watch TV news, how would I know when Rush, Glenn, and Dr. Weiner are lying and/or over exaggerating to me? (I wonder, is that pronounce WEE ner or WHINE r? Either way, its true.)

I read newspapers for the offbeat stories. You know, the ones that happen in small towns or the news that makes you go "EHHH."

For instance, as I listen to "She works hard for the money" I am reading a story out of Toledo, OH where a strip club raised over a thousand dollars for Haiti by giving all the money for lap dances. The manager said they donated the cover charge of ten dollars to charity. It seemed strange to me that they would donate a "cover"charge at a strip club... Maybe they should have donated the lap dance money... they probably would have made more from the "uncovered" charge....

Apparently the AARP (American Association for Retired People) reports that sexting (sending sexy messages or pictures) is rampant among elderly people. Now, I know that it is a major concern with teens in high school, but in nursing homes and people living on their own? According to Joan Price, author of "Better than I ever expected: Straight talk about sex after sixty" seniors are really getting into the trend. They can see sex more openly because they don't have the worries.

Maybe I will renew my subscription in AARP.


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