Monday, February 1, 2010

Watch the Grammy's?

The Grammy's were last night. WOO HOO! or should I say, woo hoo? I am kind of ambivalent towards them these days. There was a time when I watched and was really excited about them, but these days I spend more time listening to oldies music than I do the new junk.

As I write this, Bob Seger and "Old Time Rock and Roll" is blaring out on Itunes. My wife had to tell me to turn it down!

I just don't get the move towards Rap and the other genres that are out there. I enjoyed Beyonce's song, and the Michael Jackson tribute... Heck, I even liked Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks. But the rest was kind of lost on me, especially Jaimie Foxx's number. When the music is blasted so loud, there are no lyrics, what's the use of listening? The thump da thump da thump thump is over and over and tends to get me to the brink of a stroke. Maybe if I could understand it, I could tolerate it.

The Michael Jackson tribute was excellent. I loved Celine Dion, Usher, Carrie Underwood and Jennfer Hudson. I wish, though, I could have seen it in 3D. I guess I need to get a pair of glasses and keep them here at home for the purpose of watching 3D TV. At home, the picture looked fuzzy without them.

I suppose my parents felt the same way about my music. But, they could at least understand the lyrics of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Jimi Hendrix. When I sang along with the Fifth Dimension or Bob Dylan or Barry Manilow (Yes, I did own several albums of his), I learned to carry a tune. Now, all kids have to do is talk in rhythm and not worry about notation or even being on key.

I am glad they put up the time that upcoming acts were going to appear, though. It helped me tune in and out. I could go watch the news, come back for an act I wanted to see, and then go back to the news or the Pro Bowl. (Did anyone watch that?) Steve Colbert was great, also. His comedy may have been too cerebral for most of the artists in the audience, though.

The bottom line on all this is that I think I must be old. Half of the groups were unknown to me. Remember, there is no music after 1968!


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