Remember the first Batman movie, where Jack Nicholson as the Joker looks into the camera and says, "This town needs an enema!"
It's time for the State of Arizona to have a colonoscopy done on its legislature. You know the legislature, they are the people in your state who sit and make inane laws that often don't make sense to anyone, even them. All states have them, but AZ seems to have one that is particularly inept and often does nothing more than sit and talk about doing things, but rarely acts. When the legislators do wake up and hit their buttons for a vote, one wonders if it is an eeeney, meeney, miney, mo process.
The procedure would be done to hopefully help them find their heads, which seem to be constantly up their rectum. This could help the body pull out its collective head and do something constructive.
Take for instance the recent decision to close state parks. If it does this, Arizona will be the first state to permanently shutter its parks, although the State of Illinois seems to be doing it on some sort of basis. Why is this decision not so smart? According to a report in the Arizona Republic, closing the parks will cost just about as much as keeping them open! Sure, it is a one time cost, but none the less, is this a smart idea? Paying more to close it and lose the revenue, than keeping it open and having the revenue? The state receives over 226 million dollars a year from tourists who use the parks, that includes instate people and the tourons who come here on vacation.
Heck, the lawmakers just passed a bill to raise 56 million dollars to build a training complex so the Cubs would stay here. The Cubs only bring in 138 million dolars a year. Now, which would you rather have, a great state natural park, or a concrete stadium that is used one month a year?
See what I mean?
This is the same state that cut funding for education and told its state police to cut half its force of officers (it then advertised on Craigslist for officers), and sold its buildings to the highest bidder, then turned around and rented them back. They owned the buildings outright, but now the legislature are tenants. Somebody needs to foreclose...
The governor doesn't talk to the legislature, the Legislature falls asleep during talks by the governor, and the people of the state have no place to turn.
But, on a bright is 75 and sunny here today.
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