Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Going Into The Home Stretch

Summer is officially halfway through! The Fourth of July is gone, Memorial Day has passed and now it is full speed ahead to Labor Day! As we peaked the hill and started the descent into fall, a look back on events so far may be in order.

Summer got off with a bang as the whole fam damily was around for Memorial Day weekend. June 1st saw my brother-in-law, Jim get his apartment in Tucson and move there to get himself in shape for his new prosthesis. Things there seem to be doing well, and he should be on the apparatus soon. Watching what he has gone through for the past year really has made me hesitant about healthcare. I mean, if the system treats vets the way it has him, what will be in store for the rest of us? I have gone from being an avid supporter to having a "wait and see" attitude.

June was a great month for doing nothing! The Valley warmed up quickly, and my tomato plants and Debi's yard are struggling. I had to move my plants three times to get them out of the sun. Growing things out here is not as easy as it is in the Midwest, and watering is sometimes a mystery. You can water too much and kill something, and you can water not enough and kill something.... used to think that heat was good for plants, but not here. I am still struggling to keep my four tomatoes growing to maturity.

Debi's lawn is another conundrum. We have spent well over 600 dollars on seed, fertilizer, and dirt. We have watered it, raked it, rolled it, and kept the dog off it. But we grow weeds, not grass. I know Bermuda grass looks like weeds, but these weeds seem to have mind of their own. They look nothing like grass, but rather Kudzu. At least the dog has something play in and does not roll around in dirt anymore!

My book has done well so far this summer. I don't know how many copies I have sold, but the comments I get from people makes me think that it is receiving good reviews from readers. I can't get the book into mainstream stores, though. The big publishers have a lock there, and just will not talk to independent publishers. Getting the book reviewed is also trouble. The Chicago Tribune Digital Editor promised to review it, or get someone to review it, but so far there is no response to my letters to her. To break even on this book, ( I paid to have it published) will take sales of about 1000 copies. I am told that if I have 800 copies sold, it will be doing well. When I go back on Labor Day to Hoopeston, I will be interviewed by WCIA in Champaign and by several radio stations. Let's hope that helps.

The blog has suffered this summer. And for that I apologize. But I will attempt to have regular postings on Tuesday and Friday, so it will be like a column. HMMM maybe some paper will be picking me up.....

See you in the funny papers!


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