Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The End, And the Beginning... The Never Ending Doughnut

It is done.

Now all I have to do is edit. And, thanks to my good friend Susie Dayton, we are going to get that task accomplished in a few days, or so....

What am I talking about? My book, you silly thing, that I have been working on for a full year. Now, the daunting task of finding a publisher. Should I self publish, or should I try and find an agent? Self publishing is so expensive and there is not guarantee that it will ever see the inside of a bookstore. But, if I try and go with an agent, I may find that I am not good enough to EVER get published. And who knows, Oprah may want me, or Don Imus....

What is my audience? Everyone who ever grew up. and some who are striving to, and those who never did. My audience includes people who have long lost loves, demons to purge, memories to remember fondly, and events to recall from youth. The people who think that they have it hard now, who don't know about growing up in a time period that was tumultous, mixed up, and at the same time, fun. Sure, it is partly fiction, partly real, but then all memories are like that. They encompass what we dreamed and what was real; what we wanted and what really happened. Our memories shape the person we are.

That is what my book "Growing up Doughnut" is about. What a wonderful life I have led. I have been blessed with some fantastic friends and experiences just like you have. And, I lived in a great hometown...Hoopeston, IL.

From publication to the big screen. That is every author's dream. And I have a lot of people to thank... My wife, my kids, my brother, my friends, my parents...

Oh, and Oprah, if you read this, we need to talk. Don....Call me. I'm in the Phoenix book.

And Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme, I am open to a sponsorship....Just think, a real life Doughnut as your spokesperson! Someone with doughnut roots, who knows the ins and outs of the hole. Who has lived with the icing and rolled the dough. Besides, I look like someone raised on the doughy delicious delights!

Doughnuts...Buy 'em, love 'em, live'em.


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