Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 56th birthday. Hard to believe that I am getting so close the big Six-O. My brother has already reached it, and now I am faced with rounding my age to that number. Rounding is not allowed in most cases, and I usually have to just put in the proper number in the age block.

I can also no longer lord over my wife the fact that she is older than I am. Just six weeks separate us in age, but for a while I get to treat her like a cougar who robbed the cradle. I get to strut like a rooster and pretend that she coerced me with her feminine wiles. But that is lost today.

I received many emails and Facebook congratulations. It was fun watching my inbox fill up as I was notified by Facebook that people had written on my wall. I was able to send thanks to a lot of them, but most will have to be content with the fact that I did read each and every message. I laughed at some, smiled at most, and was amazed that people remember little ol’me. I even received phone calls from a few friends and family, and even one from the place I bought my car.

The house was empty as Dorothy had to work, and the children did too. So, I got up late, had coffee at my leisure, went out to eat for lunch at Chick-Fil-A, then sat on my butt and watched three hours of “The Closer”. I love Kyra Sedgewick…and Holly Hunter in “Saving Grace.”

There were no fireworks, no candles (for which I received a Thank You from the Phoenix Fire Department). I spent a peaceful day all to myself. I did not delve into introspection, did not take an accounting of my life. I just was mindless and somewhat uneager to put on pants of any kind. I mean, I have only really put on long pants once since February, and that was for a job interview. I could see no reason to put on anything since I was alone. My house was my man cave for a day!

I wish I could impart some great knowledge to my readers; some epiphany that would really rock their world, but there is none. A guy with a big belly and in his underwear has a rough time seeing his feet, let alone the big picture. So, I got nothing….

Thanks to all of you who called, sent notes, and generally made my day. My wife tells me I am getting my birthday present later tonight. I am truly a rich man!


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