Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is it. The last Hurrah, stick a fork in it, it's done! Vaya Con Dios 2009!

Thank Goodness that is over. For many, this year has been a bust, and we can finally put a bra on it and constrain it! We can look at it and say, "Nice!" or we can glance it and put our heads down and go on. Whatever it was to you is what it was.

I am so excited about getting the New Year started. My first act will be to go to California and get companion for my daughter's dog, Akkadian. Debi has decided that one is not enough, and two can live as cheaply. The more the merrier, cheaper by the dozen? I don't know about all that; all I do know is that "The K" is going to get someone to play with and whom he can talk to. I wonder if he will teach the other dog to rub his butt like I do?

When Debi first got Akkadian, he was so small he could fit in the palm of her hand. Now, he barely fits on the couch! He is a 90 lb lapdog and he thinks that he should have my attention and everyone else's attention 24/7. Boy, is he in for a rude awakening. But if we get the right dog, he and his companion will continue to give us a great deal of love and twice as many laughs.

Going on this trip with Debi is kind of symbolic of the new year, too. We have an inkling of where we are going, but we are not sure, and the outcome of the journey is not assured either. Will K like his new friend? Will his new friend like us? Will Dorothy find the new friend as funny and grow to like it as she has Akkadian? We are jumping into this with both feet, flying forward on a highway that is the unknown and the unknowable, hurtling towards God knows what.

That is what makes the New Year and the new Decade exciting. Adventurous. People can get a new start and reshape themselves and recreate a direction. The past is definitely in the Past. Heck, the Cubs could win a World Series this year! The Bears could go-all-the-way! And my book could be best seller! Could, could Could.

Can you feel it? The excitement, the tension, the glass is full expectations.

Or, maybe that's just gas....

Happy New Year!

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