Friday, April 30, 2010

Who Is Really Wrong?

Like the rest of the nation, I am focused on the Arizona law, Senate Bill 1070. (SB 1070) I know that there are some of my readers that are upset that I have taken a stance in support of the bill. Some may want to boycott Arizona, its economy, maybe even my blog and upcoming book. So be it.

But, let me tell you this...As I write this, a Pinal County deputy sheriff is under attack at the intersections of I-8 and I-10 by people with heavy automatic weapons who are suspected of being undocumented immigrants. (read here, Illegal Aliens) They came across the border illegally and were headed for Phoenix. They were already breaking the law of the US government, so I guess they thought that all the other laws of the US and Arizona don't apply to them either. These are the people the law is aimed at... people who have come across the border illegally and do not see the laws of this country as something they should follow.

Today, the law was made clearer as Governor Brewer clarified the law. She added to the bill a clarification that says that a "legal contact" means a "lawful stop, detention or arrest." The wording of the law was also changed to further prohibit any form of racial profiling. Those who oppose the law forget that officers can only question people who are already involved in violations of law. The law that AZ has is already on the federal books, but local law enforcement cannot ask questions pertaining to immigration status because they are not trained to do so. This law provides for that training and for immediate detention of those who are here without the proper documents (ie. a driver's license, a government green card, a passport). Regular citizens who are not breaking the law have nothing to fear.

51% of all Americans agree with Arizona. I know its tough to be in the minority on this issue, but look at the larger picture. The federal government for years has done nothing, and now the problem is massive; just about 9 percent of the Arizona population is possibly illegal.

Instead of protesting what could happen, why aren't people upset that foreigners have invaded their country through a porous border that the federal government does not care about? Do they support the illegality of what these undocumented people have done? Shouldn't they be ethically and morally outraged because what these people have done and are doing undermines what they have done legally and the very fiber of this country?

Americans have always taken in those who are poor and who want a better life. My wife is a second generation American, her family came through Ellis Island. Her uncle's family and her uncle is listed there. They did things the right way. Why can't others do the same?

The protesters are concerned with POSSIBLE civil rights violations. They are not, however, concerned with these people who have BROKEN LAWS of the land by not coming into the country the right way.

Who, I ask you, is really wrong?

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